int. food industry


The origin of Artichokes is unknown, though they were found during the excavation of Mons Claudianus in Egypt, The various names of the Artichoke in European languages all ultimately come from Arabic al-kharshuf. Nowadays Artichoke cultivation is concentrated in the countries bordering the Mediterranean. On top of the list of main producers is Egypt. The Artichoke grows to 1.5-2 m tall deeply lobed, silvery green leaves . The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud (fleshy lower portion) about 8—15 cm diameter.

VARIETIES             Violet de               Baladi


  • Q.F Frozen Artichoke Bottoms:
  • Description: Round creamy white fleshy part of the Artichoke, hand cut and cleaned from the leaves.
  • Sizes 3-5 cm 5-7 cm 7-9 cm in Diameter.
  • Q.F Frozen Artichoke Bottom Pieces:

Description: Triangle Pieces hand cut from the artichoke bottom about 15 Grs Each.

Uses : Soups, Pizza, Pasta, Salads and added in Mixed Vegetables.

  • Q.F Frozen Artichoke Bottom Slices :

Description: Long Sliced pieces hand cut from the artichoke bottom about 6mm thick 3-7 cm long.

Uses : Pizza, Pasta, Salads and added in Mixed Vegetables.

  • Q.F Frozen Artichoke Bottom Cubes:

Description: Cube pieces hand cut Or Machine Cut 6×6 & 10 x 10 mm from the artichoke bottom. Uses : Soups, Pizza, Pasta, Salads and added in Mixed Vegetables,


Artichoke is a very healthy vegetable that is very rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, dietary fibres and proteins. This makes it very beneficial in having healthy bones, muscles and stabilising the blood sugar levels.

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